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TV Sermon

Keys to Successful Parenting

Discover the seven principles each child needs in order to have the best life in Christ.

June 15, 2024

Based on Ephesians 6:1-4, this message explains the clear instruction in God's Word about parenting. Dr. Stanley focuses on the seven principles every child needs: spiritual, moral, relational, vocational, financial, authoritative, and personal.

Sermon Outline

Parenting is a challenge, but it’s not meant to be guesswork. The Bible is filled with guidance for raising children successfully, and in this week’s sermon, Dr. Stanley presents seven principles every child needs to learn from caregivers.

Key Passage: Ephesians 6:1-4

Successful parenting is not some subjective target. Rather, it involves faithfully and adequately transferring to children—by precept and practice—those principles that will equip them to discover and fulfill God’s will for their life.

►“The Bible is very clear about what it takes to be a successful parent.”

Success in parenting means...

  • Fulfilling your duty to guide your children.

  • Understanding that even if they abandon God’s ways, you have not failed.

  • Being persistent (Prov. 22:6).

►“Teach them to serve the Lord.”

To help children grow and discern God’s will for their life, parents must teach them seven principles:

1. Spiritual
• Teach your children about Jesus, the means of salvation, Christian growth, God’s Word, prayer, and service.

2. Moral or Ethical
• Teach them about honesty, integrity, loyalty, and purity. Help them to understand the blessings that come with making God-honoring choices.

3. Relational
• Teach children ways to both relate to others and choose good friends. Show them how transparency, helpfulness, and selflessness develop relationships in the family.

4. Vocational
• Guide your children in their education, and help them discover God’s will for their life. Explain the difference between spending and investing one’s life, and emphasize that God has a plan for them.

5. Financial
• Teach them the true purpose of money. It’s not meant primarily for freedom or leisure but to aid in productivity, fruitfulness, and bringing glory to God.

6. Authority
• Teach children there are legitimate authorities over them and that God is the ultimate.

7. Personal
• Teach children that they are of infinite worth. Reinforce their sense of both belonging and competence.

►“Every single child needs to feel, ‘I am somebody! I’m worth something! I belong, I’m wanted, I’m desired, I’m competent, I can do it.’”

To successfully teach these principles, you must be...

  • A servant leader.

  • Humble, disciplined, loving, firm, dependable, helpful, and encouraging.

  • Empowered by God.

  • Consistent and persistent.

After Watching

Consider these thoughts and questions in response to the sermon:

  • Take a few moments to reflect on your role as a parent. What do you enjoy most about it? What are your weaknesses and strengths? Ask God for encouragement and a wise perspective.

  • What does the term “servant leader” mean to you?

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