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Vioborossel Farm, Vatnajokull National Park, Iceland. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Danger of Idle Talk

Choose to speak words that uplift, edify, and heal those around you.

March 4, 2025

Proverbs 12:13-22

Ask a group of people to define gossip, and most will mention spreading rumors. That’s true, but it’s not the whole truth. Gossip includes any talk that causes unnecessary harm.

For example, have you ever commented negatively on how a person was dressed?

Suggested to a friend that someone is in the wrong job? Talked about an acquaintance’s personal life when he or she isn’t present? All of these can be examples of gossip—words that cause damage and hurt even when they sound innocent. And here’s something else to consider: Did you feel a check in your spirit while you were speaking?

Idle comments are often delivered in a way that makes them seem unlike the traditional definition of gossip. People mask sinful talk in several ways, such as speaking in jest, offering others’ personal details “as an example,” or sharing the information as a prayer request. Of course, not every tease or illustration is gossip. And the body of Christ is called to pray for those facing hard times. Therefore, we must be able to distinguish between worthless chatter and wise speech.

What matters is the heart’s motivation (Ps. 19:14). Ask God to give you a desire to please Him and reflect His grace to others by speaking only that which builds them up (Eph. 4:29).

Bible in One Year: Deuteronomy 33-34

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