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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Why Growth Matters

Healthy believers move forward to maturity.

August 7, 2023

2 Peter 3:14-18

When a baby is born, it’s a cause for celebration but also anticipation. Before discharging the family, the doctor checks that everything is as it should be. And then, once at home, Mom and Dad watch carefully to make sure the baby eats enough, sleeps well, and meets milestones. In the days and months (and years!) to come, parents pay attention to the child’s development—not just physical but also cognitive and emotional. If there aren’t signs of growth, something is probably wrong. 

The same is true of our life in Christ. When we first receive Jesus as Lord, we’re spiritual infants, beginning a wonderful new life in Him. But from then on, it’s important to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior” (2 Pet. 3:18). Otherwise, we can easily be misled by wrong teaching, doubt, and temptation. 

Growing in our relationship with Jesus requires that we fill our life with practices that promote good spiritual health. These include regular worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship with other believers, and serving with our gifts and talents. Such disciplines nourish us—they’re like vitamins and exercise for the soul. 

How has your spiritual growth been recently? What changes would help strengthen your faith?

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