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TV Sermon

Enduring a Satanic Attack

How do you respond when facing a strong temptation?

July 20, 2024

How do you respond when facing a strong temptation? Dr. Stanley explains how to endure a satanic attack.

Sermon Outline

Every believer faces temptation, often repeatedly. This week, Dr. Stanley takes a closer look at how we can be tricked into sinning—and how we can resist through the power of God.

Key Passage: Ephesians 6:10-13

If you’ve ever faced a strongly enticing temptation, it was likely a satanic attack—an attempt by the enemy to get you to deny your relationship with Jesus Christ or walk away from the Lord in some way.

“On the Christian walk, you and I are in a battle against a very definite enemy.”

A satanic attack is …

  • A strategy the enemy uses against God’s people.

  • A deliberate assault by Satan upon an individual to harm him or her spiritually, bodily, emotionally, or materially.

  • A way the Devil tries to thwart the Lord’s purpose in our life and deny God the worship and glory He’s due.

“Satan knew he could rob Eve of her joy by saying, ‘Look what’s missing in your life.’ He does the same with us.”

Satan works against us by …

1. Focusing our attention on a specific need or desire.
• He reminds us of something we don’t have, even though that may be by God’s design.

2. Determining the time of the temptation.
• He chooses a time when we are feeling weak or vulnerable. He learns this by watching our life.

3. Creating doubt in our mind.
• He causes us to question God’s love, distrust His will, and doubt His Word.

4. Engaging us in debate.
• He tricks us into thinking we’re talking to ourselves and tries to make us reconsider doing something we know is wrong.

5. Using deception.
• He makes things appear to be what they are not.
• He lies and attempts to mislead or confuse us.

“God has given us a clear picture of how Satan works. He’s also promised we do not have to yield unless we choose to.”

We can endure a satanic attack and have victory by …

1. Standing firm in the strength of Almighty God.
• We must always rely on His strength instead of our own (Eph. 6:10).

2. Resisting.
• We must refuse to listen to what the enemy tells us (James 4:7). This requires being submitted to God’s will and walking in the Spirit.

3. Saying, “It is written …”
• We must be armed with Scripture, as Jesus was (Matt. 4:1-11), and know what it means.

4. Assuming our authority as believers indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
• We must remember that the Holy Spirit, who lives within us, is greater than Satan (1 John 4:4). And in Jesus’ name, we can command the enemy to depart.

After Watching

Consider these thoughts and questions in response to the sermon:

  • What does “standing firm” look like in your daily life?

  • Dr. Stanley lists five ways Satan works against us. Is there one you’re particularly susceptible to? Pray to the Lord about that tactic and ask Him to strengthen your mind against it.

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