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TV Sermon

The Courage to Stand By Your Convictions

Dr. Stanley talks about the motivation and results of Daniel’s commitment to stand by his biblical beliefs.

August 3, 2024

Dr. Stanley talks about the motivation and results of Daniel’s commitment to stand by his biblical beliefs. If we give up on our principles, it’s usually because we fear criticism, rejection, failure or loss. Learn to develop a sense of courage based on the goodness and sovereignty of God that can carry you beyond your fears.

Sermon Outline

It’s vital to be a person of integrity. In this week’s sermon, Dr. Stanley uses Daniel’s story to teach us how to stick to our values—no matter what.

Key Passage: Daniel 6:10-26

Supporting Passages: Daniel 3:16-18; Daniel 4:24-29

Doing the right, God-honoring thing isn’t always easy, but the benefits will ultimately far outweigh any discomfort or difficulty that results from standing firm in what you believe.

► “What belief would you not compromise under any condition?”

  • A conviction is something you believe to be true and will stand by.

  • To have a strong conviction is to be so thoroughly convinced something is true that you are willing to take a stand for it regardless of the consequences.

Daniel is a good example to follow, because he courageously stood by his convictions:

1. The Babylonians wanted to change the way the Hebrew exiles ate and drank.

  • Daniel declined to eat the king’s food because he believed that, according to the law of Moses, it would defile him.

2. Daniel believed he should serve as an example.

  • To do this, he had to stick with the truth he’d been taught.

3. Daniel trusted that God would hear and answer his prayers.

  • Without this conviction, he would have struggled in prayer. The same is true for us.

4. He was committed to being true to God’s Word no matter what.

  • Although the consequences could have been severe, Daniel told the truth about what God had revealed to him.

5. He had a conviction not to bow down to any other god.

  • Though Daniel is not present in the story of the fiery furnace, he likely influenced his friends to display courage by refusing to bow to an idol.

► “When you compromise your biblically based convictions, you give away a part of yourself.”

What was Daniel’s motivation?

  1. He was taught by his parents and studied the law of God.

  2. He was devoted to God and committed to obeying Him.

Ask yourself …

  1. What are some of the convictions that guide my conduct?

  2. What convictions am I unwilling to compromise?

  3. Do I have the courage to stand strong, even when facing consequences?

  4. Do I fear criticism, rejection, failure, or loss?

Will you live obediently and stand firm before God?

  • Those who stand their ground become persons of strong character.

  • One uncompromising child of God can be a powerhouse who impacts the world. Daniel’s bravery opened doors for him to counsel and influence kings!

After Watching

  • What aspect of Daniel’s story is the most compelling to you? How can his example help you to be courageous in your daily life?

  • What measures could strengthen your resolve when you’re tempted to compromise?

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